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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Rock Crusher Denied!

Tonight, the MV-2 Ordinance for heavy manufacturing was denied 3-0 by the Weber County Commission!

The second MV-1 small cement batch plant was approved for conditional use pending restrictions that are to be written. The vote was 2-1 for approval.

Commissioner Dearden voted against both petitions.

Thank you to all of you that worked so hard to defeat the MV-2 Rock Crusher. We are going to examine the conditional use provisions for the cement batch plant to insure that it will stay a small customer oriented batch plant.

I counted 104 people in the room at the meeting tonight. Congratulations!

Larry Zini
VCRD Acting Chairman

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

According to the Standard Examiner article about the meeting, Mr. Summers said that he was 99% sure he would not pursue the Cement Batch plant business.

If that is true, thank you Mr. Summers.