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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Support our Ogden Valley neighbors!

These citizens need your help. To date, this small group of neighbors has waged an expensive court battle to attempt to establish whether the developer can in fact force them into a city in which they want NO part and appoint a town council on whom they will NOT get to vote to govern them. The citizens will appeal to the Utah Supreme Court, contending that their most basic right to “No taxation without representation” has been violated.

The people of Weber and surrounding counties are holding a fund-raiser to assist them in this appeal. We are hosting an evening of food, music and melodrama on November the 13th from 6-9 at the Union Station Browning Theatre. Because it is urgent that we gather a “war chest” for these beleaguered citizens as soon as possible, tickets are $100 each. The evening includes admission to the stunning Browning antique car museum, music by one of the valley’s popular groups, dinner by the Union Grill restaurant, silent auction and a locally written and produced melodrama. Tickets may be purchased at the Valley Market or at the Eden Coffee Shop next to the Valley Market.

Guest Post by Sharon Holmstrom
