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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hot Off The Press - The Agenda For The Ogden Valley Planning Meeting Has Been Posted

The infamous agenda we have all been waiting for is now posted on the Weber County Web Site.  Thanks to the efforts of one of our savvy readers, we will include the links below:

Ogden Valley Planning Commission (OVPC) Meeting Agenda - January 25, 2011 @ 5PM

The Packet that each of the OVPC members receive is available here
Scroll down to the bottom of the page to the attachments link. It is large at over 18 MB in size.

We will point out a couple of highlights:
2-4. CUP 2011-01 Consideration and action on a request for approval of a temporary park and ride lot in Eden to provide shuttle service to Powder Mountain Ski Resort located at approximately 2628 N Highway 162 (Powder Mountain Resort Management LLC)

* Old Business

3-2. CUP 2010-04 Consideration and action on a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a private heliport located at the Red Moose Lodge in Eden (Red Moose Lodge, Applicant; Ron Rueben, Agent)

* New Business

3-3. ZO 2010-15 Consideration and action on a recommendation to the County Commission on a request to amend the Weber County Zoning Ordinance by adding certain ancillary uses, under the overall term of “Agri-tourism,” to the list of Conditional Uses found in Chapter 5B; Agricultural Valley-3 (AV-3) Zone (Patricia Dickens, Kelly Creek Farm, Applicant)

3-5. DR 2010-09 Consideration and action on a request for Design Review approval of the Green Valley Academy a private Educational Institution located at approximately 9091 E 100 S on 8 acres (Green Valley Academy, Applicant; Jared Balmer, Agent)
As "ND" pointed out, "little late on that park and ride for Pow Mow....its been going all winter...and the vendor hut has been there too...but not in use yet..."  However, our ever faithful informant, Ron Gleason, reminds us that "the Pow Mow park ride is on a conditional use permit that ran for 1 year. They are asking for an extension."

Any bets on what time this meeting will adjourn?  Be sure to bring some snacks, an empty bladder and a chair cushion because you may be sitting for a very, very long time.


Teri said...

Is it just me or do the buildings look a tad small compared to the parking stalls. Having a hard time enlarging the package enough to read the fine print on the drawing.

Ron Gleason said...

These documents are scanned versions of the originals and suffer from clarity.

Teri said...

Still, if that is a 4000 sq ft building foot print the parking lot must be a bazillion sq ft. Look at it in comparison to the well in the back on the diagram that has the protection zone. This doesn't look to scale. Wouldn't a design review require this. The lot is only 264 feet wide at the most. Looks funny...just sayin

Anonymous said...

I agree...Very frustrating the clarity of the documents. Really was hoping to really get a clear look at all the dimensions. Would have been nice to get a copy when I was down there yesterday. However they wouldn't let me have a copy because of copy right issues?? That makes sense right, because a couple hours later they posted them on the website. Where's the copy right issues with that?