Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Saga of SB 269

Early today, we received an e-mail from a Powder Mountain (Town) homeowner stating that he had discovered an active Senate bill sitting in committee with the number SB269.

When the homeowner read the content of bill, it became clear that this bill, sponsored by Senator J. Stuart Adams was intended to empower the County Governments so they could enter into written agreements with property owners in order to reach a settlement on active litigation. The bill went on to state they could act “WITHOUT PRIOR CONSIDERATION OF OR RECOMMENDATION FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION.”

The ramifications of such a bill would be insidious. The fact that a Utah State Senator would draft such a bill with that language and intent is difficult to comprehend. It is also obvious this bill was intended to target the current Powder Mountain issue with the Weber County Commission.

State Representative Gage Froerer contacted us later in the day and told us that SB269 could not get through the House and would not succeed.

This state and its citizens have seen enough poorly conceived legislative bills that are detrimental to the state’s residents and appear only to benefit developers.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Guest Post From Frank C - HB 218 questions - UPDATED - an overview of the latest happenings on the hill

With HB 218 stalled in the Senate Government Operations & Political Subdivions Committee, we received this from Frank C.

He brings up some excellent points and asks some difficult questions:
I listened to the recording of the Senate Committee meeting this morning on Gage Froerer's HB218. One particular thing jumped out at me. Lobbyist/lawyer Curtis, I think it was, stated toward the end of the meeting that those who are negotiating have created four drafts, or are working on the fourth draft of the agreement, or words to that effect. I have participated in enough negotiations in my career to know that parties do not get as far as working on the fourth draft of an agreement until and unless there exists the guts of an agreement in principle. There may be some number of minor terms to be worked out, or some differences of opinion about language or other minutiae, but by the fourth draft, the parties have clearly reached agreement and it only remains for the lawyers to huff and puff and wordsmith to create or maintain an advantage over the adversary in the course of memorializing the agreement to which the parties have already agreed.

So who's kidding whom, here? Or put another way, who's hiding what from those of us who, while we may not be parties to the litigation, have been intimately involved and will be directly affected by the settlement as residents of and property owners in this Valley? Are we wasting our time and emotions supporting a piece of legislation that will be rendered moot by an agreement that has already been reached, without our knowledge and participation? Have we wasted our time and our money supporting a cause when those whom we support have bargained away that cause for the sake of cutting their losses, or getting the matter behind them? Are we in the process of sacrificing principle and creating dangerous precedent without even knowing that we are doing so, because our elected and non-elected representatives are tired of dealing with it, or are getting cold feet, or whatever their motivation might be, to the point at which they are making deals they want no one else to know?

Once again, I have been involved in enough negotiations to know that they typically are conducted in private, lest those who have no real stake in the outcome have the chance to intermeddle just because they can, whether they know the real issues or not. In this case, an end to this controversy will directly affect all of us who live here, no matter how it ends. I would like for that end to be the product not of secret, back room deals struck perhaps as a result of less-than-universal interests, but rather the product either of the judicial system, or the legislative system, or that of an informed and affected public given adequate time to study any proposed agreement
and an opportunity to meaningfully provide input concerning it.

This is no social studies exercise; this is real. So, those of you in the know: how about it? What's really going on?
We remain concerned about the back room negotiations, but will keep a watchful eye out in the coming days. Now is not the time to be blindsided!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Gage Froerer's HB 218 is Finally Assigned to Senate Committee - It is time to LOBBY!

From our friends at the beloved Weber County Forum, we find that:

Gage's bill has now been assigned to the Senate Government Operations and Political Subdivisions Standing Committee, for 8:00 a.m, on Thursday, which committee hearing will be the last procedural hurdle before it's moved onto the Full Senate, for an up/down vote.
 To view this most excellent post in its entirety, click here.    There you will find Rudi's handy

2010 Senate Government Operations and Political Subdivisions Standing Committee contact link page

From there, you can contact the Committee members to enlist their support of this important piece of legislation (of course we think it is the MOST important piece this year as well as last).

Now is the time Ogden Valley.  The 2010 legislative session is at its mid point and there is still much work to be done as extreme opposition toward HB 218 still exists.

Our efforts are gaining steam as one of the most powerful lobbying groups on the hill, the Utah League of Cities and Towns, has dropped their opposition to HB 218.  They lobbied strongly against the Disincorporation bill in 2009 as well.

Also, one of the largest newspapers in the State, the Salt Lake Tribune, recently voiced their support of HB 218 in a recent editorial.

It is time to ride the momentum.  Start sending those emails and make some phone calls.  Your neighbors deserve their constitutional right to vote!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ogden Valley Township Planning Board Meeting Tonight - Consideration for a Private Heliport @ Red Moose Lodge on the Agenda -- UPDATED: Commission tables the request!

Don't forget tonight's Planning commission meeting

Weber County Commission Chambers
Weber Center (2380 Washington Blvd)
Ogden, UT
5:00 pm

Click here to view the agenda

From the agenda we will point out: 
* New Business

3-1. CUP 04-10 Consideration for a private heliport located at the Red Moose Lodge in Eden, 2547 North Valley Junction Drive. RLR Properties LLC/JCA Properties, LLC, Applicants, Eric Householder, Agent 

See you there!

UPDATE:  2-23-10 @ 11 pm 

From Ron Gleason:

Excellent turnout for the meeting, excellent comments from all (well most, there was the typical 'where are they coming from' folks).

In the end the OVPC tabled the request till they get more information in 4 key areas.

Keep your eyes open for this item to reappear in the next couple of meetings.

Demolition Days / Historic Huntsville school is coming down, and residents wonder why

Huntsville residents have been watching in disbelief the last few days as the old Valley School building has been coming down.  Di Lewis was Johnny-on-the-spot (or maybe Suzy-on-the-spot would be more appropriate) with this article in the Standard.

Demolition Days / Historic Huntsville school is coming down, and residents wonder why

Many of the locals feel like the heart of the community has been taken away.  From the article:

"People are just sad about it," said Huntsville Mayor Jim Truett. "It's sad to see it go."
Many are third-, fourth- and even fifth-generation Huntsville residents, he said, and seeing the school they, their parents and their children went to coming down is very difficult.
Others are just upset about what they see as waste.
Doug Allen, a 50-year Huntsville resident, said he is not particularly nostalgic but feels that destroying a school and building a new one is a waste of taxpayer money.
Huntsville resident John Posnien was watching the demolition with Allen and said the school district gave up the best location.
In Huntsville, some children are able to walk to school, the streets have little traffic and the Ogden Valley Branch of the Weber County Library was built across the street because the school was there, Posnien said.
He said residents feel school district officials were sneaky about moving the location of the new school.
"It was done subversively. It was cut-and-dried and you couldn't even talk to them about it."
Truett said the city wasn't even notified about the vote on moving the school and city officials were stonewalled when they tried to talk to school district officials.

RIP Ole' Valley!

Monday, February 22, 2010

More Powder Mountain Ink... This Time From the Deseret News

Hot off the press from the Deseret News by way of the Weber County Forum is an article about the latest Saga at Powderville.

Click here to read Rudi's most excellent post, complete with all of the requisite links.

Friday, February 19, 2010

HB 218 Garners Support Of The Salt Lake Tribune

Today's Salt Lake Tribune weighed in heavily on the issue of HB 218.  HB 218 is the bill sponsored by Representative Gage Froerer which will allow the residents in the proposed boundary of Powderville to seek an immediate election for disincorporation.

We applaud the strong stance the Tribune has taken and we urge our humble State Senators to vote in favor of the bill as the state's media is now watching. 

Read the editorial here:
Powder Mountain -- Let the citizens have a say
 Also, our friends at the Weber County Forum have weighed in this morning.  Be sure to read Rudi's post here:

Salt Lake Tribune Editorial: Powder Mountain - Let the Citizens Have a Say

Comments anyone???

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Poll Regarding Heli Skiing In Ogden Valley

We have added a poll to the right side bar regarding the recent hot topic of Heli-skiing in Ogden Valley.  Be sure to place your vote.

Why Negotiate With The Powdervillahns

Guest Post by Ernie

Why negotiate "at this time?"

Nobody can blame the PM Town Captives from wanting a deal and nobody has to take my suggestions. But:

1. The biggest obstacle to passage in the Senate, Senator Killpack, is gone because of his resignation due to a drunk driving charge. According to the Tribune, Killpack, sponsored HB 466 in June of 2007. It was KIllpack who last year closed the session early to prevent the bill allowing the Powder Mountain Captives a vote to Opt. out of HB 466. For shame on the Senate.

2. Right now proceedings relative to incorporating Powder Mountain Town are stayed pending appeal.
This means the parties to the law suit brought by the Powdervillahns' against The County and several of the Powder Mountain Captives are ordered and sanctioned by possible contempt of court to do nothing until the case is heard by The Utah Supreme Court. Has the conduct of the parties recently violated the stay? Well, it is complicated. The time to get a hearing in Supreme Court is six months to two years. Point. Parties involved are ill advised to do anything in a hurry.

3. Nobody should be heard to object to the bill that is now passing through the Utah Senate. HB 466 as amended is totally illegal because now only the PM Captives can be dragged into a town with no immediate right to vote out. This is an obvious violation of  the "equal protection" provisions of the Utah Constitution Art. 1 Sec. 2  & 3. 

It makes no sense to risk illegal conduct or an illegal result by shortcutting the Judicial and Legislative process. No negotiations should take place until there is a hearing date set in the court because most rate chances of proceedings in the Senate rescuing the Powder Mountain captives great. 

Observations From Yesterday's County Commission Meeting, aka An Old Fashioned Dog and Pony Matinee -UPDATED

This is one of several important posts today, so scroll down to read them all.

Guest Post by IMA Believer

I attended the Commission farce yesterday. These people just don't get it. Both Zogmaister and legal beagle Wilson stated openly that their job is not to shut people down, but to bring people into compliance. Translation: they never met a commercial venture or a development they didn't like, no matter how bad it is. How about a casino, or a whorehouse, or an opium den? Sure, if it pays taxes, find a way to "bring it into compliance"!

They take their guidance from a slick little video put out by the Utah League of Cities and Towns (ULCT) that tells them that's what their function is. The ULCT? That's the developer/real estate lobbying group that opposed Gage Froerer's legislation last year to stop Powder Mountain Town. BTW, ULCT opposes it again this year. So the Commission and its minions take their instructions from lobbyists, for openers.

Next, the meaningless public comment period offered after the deed was done was truncated by the ever-rude and blustery Bischoff, complaining that Shanna Francis had exceeded her generous three minute allocation, when in fact almost all her time was taken up by legal department wizard Wilson who stuttered and stammered his way through a seemingly endless discussion of whether a comma means "and" or "or" or nothing at all. He even seriously suggested that the commission could have disposed of the whole matter by simply lifting Iris Hennon's cease and desist order. Just how would that be done legally, sir?

Bottom line: if you want to do something controversial, something marginal, maybe something really stupid and dangerous and noisy and dusty in the summer, just go ahead and do it--the commission will find a way to bring you into compliance. Forgot to plan ahead enough to follow the rules and file your app in time to get permission (if you can) the right way? No problem. Call Zogmaister; she'll approve anything.

And last, in fairness to Diamond Peaks, lest we forget, this application for an exemption did not come from Diamond Peaks, which has operated heliskiing operations for years without bothering anyone. It came from Wolf Creek Resort (with obvious handholding effort from the county)in its effort to buoy up trade at its no-doubt-struggling Red Moose Lodge by offering heliskiing right out its back door.

Make a bad business decision, say, to buy a motel with no customers, or a ski resort without checking the zoning first? No problem; call Zogmaister. She'll bring you into compliance.

Someone needs to remind these commissioners that they have a duty to the people who live here, not just to the people who want to come in and make money off the people who live here. Pehaps November might be a good time to deliver such a reminder.

Blogmeister Note:
Next, the issue goes before the The Ogden Valley Planning Commission in a meeting to be held:
Tuesday night, Feb.23rd
at 5:00 p.m.
in the Commission chambers in Ogden.

UPDATE:  2/17/10 @ 12:00 pm

Be sure to read today's article in today's Standard:

Weber commission stands by exemption to ski helicopter service

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Helicopters in the Valley Part 2!


A guest post by Shanna Francis

Friday I spoke to Sean Wilkinson in the Weber County Planning office for an update on the helipad issue at the Red Moose Lodge.

Craig Olsen, owner of Diamond Peaks, for years had been landing his helicopters at Powder Mountain dropping off and picking up heli-skiers.

Apparently he’s had a falling out with Powder Mountain so has been working with Wolf Creek to set up a service from the Red Moose Lodge flying customers to and from skiing the back side of Powder Mountain on private property owned by a family by the name of Jensen.

A couple of weeks ago a cease and desist order was placed on the landing of helicopters at the Red Moose Lodge because such a use requires a Conditional Use Permit from the county. Eric Householder of Wolf Creek has since applied for such a permit, and the issue will come before the Ogden Valley Township Planning Commission on Tuesday night, Feb.23rd at 5:00 p.m. in the Commission chambers in Ogden.

Thus, today when I heard the helicopter buzzing the Valley back and forth all day, I got a hold of Sean Wilkinson at home to check to see if they had obtained some type of special permit to continue flying. He confirmed that they had not.

I went down to the Red Moose Lodge to take some pictures of the helicopter flying, and I was told by Craig Olsen that they had received permits from Commissioner Zogmaister. I was shocked and called her at home to confirm this. I was even more shocked to learn that, indeed, the Commissioners had granted a “temporary permit” for helicopters to land at the Red Moose Lodge; apparently something Commissioners can do—grant temporary permits.

Weber County Ordinance 31-6 states, “The granting of a temporary exception may be made by the County Commission with or without the prior recommendation concerning the same from the Weber County Planning Commission. Such temporary exceptions may be granted upon the County Commission determining that such a temporary exception is justified because of some unusual, emergency, act of God situation and that the health, safety, convenience, order and welfare of the inhabitants of Weber County will not be materially affected, if such temporary exception is granted.”

This ordinance sounds like it was instituted to give the county broader discretion in the rare or unusual instances that an emergency arises; thus, this week a power has been broadly defined by our commissioners to benefit a special interest. By coincidence, Diamond Peaks is the contractor that the county uses for their avalanche control on the divide, and, I think, to help in search and rescue operations.

When I called Commissioner Zogmaister (I couldn’t believe this was true), she confirmed what I had been told, and became very defensive and defended the decision stating (Craig Olsen told me the same thing when I went down to the Red Moose Lodge) that his business had several contracts that they needed to fulfill, and couldn’t wait for the Conditional Use Permit to be approved! He also told Jan that he has been doing the same thing for years—doing drops for heliskiers and had just changed places. However, apparently he didn’t’ tell her, or explain, that he had been doing it on top of Powder Mountain where the amplified sound of the helicopter didn’t reverberate and bounce around the entire Valley. It just so happened that while I was on the phone with Zogmaister, another helicopter came down. I opened up my window and asked her listen. Yes, she heard it, but wasn’t impressed. She told me that the Valley was a recreational community, and, basically, that’s what we were getting! I really was shocked. She then went on to accuse me of being anti-recreational, ignoring the issue at hand. Asking her more questions, she stated that it was Rob Scott’s idea about the temporary permit, which he supported. I asked her why Sean Wilkinson had told me that Wolf Creek hadn’t received a temporary permit to operate the helipad at the Red Moose Lodge. She replied that she guessed he hadn’t been told about it.

I am appalled by this decision by the Commission, and their misuse of power for the benefit of a special interest at the expense of the rest community. I am also appalled by their lack of interest in the issues surrounding helicopters being permitted to zoom back and forth across the Valley. She stated that Diamond Peaks had no other options and he would go out of business. I replied that he has plenty of other options, and even if he didn’t, the business is not above the law and should be held to the same rules and laws as everyone else.

Oh, and the commissioners also pushed the date of the Conditional Use Permit hearing forward. Usually applicants have to wait 60 days instead of a couple of weeks, according to Zogmaister.

If you are concerned with year-round access for helicopters for landing and taking off from the Valley floor, please attend the planning commission meeting Tuesday, and ask all of your friends and neighbors to attend also. Although, I believe our battle will be with the commissioners, NOT the planning commission.

Shanna Francis

UPDATE:  2/15/10 @ 10 PM

CLICK HERE to see the agenda for the Weber County Commission Meeting being held tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m.  See agenda item #7!!!  Guess what’s on the agenda?  Yep, a temporary permit for a helipad at Red Moose Lodge!  Apparently they hadn’t even met on the issue before issuing it????  They were going to vote on it after the fact?????  I’m not sure how this is working.

UPDATE: 2/15/10 @ 10 AM

The Standard Examiner weighed in on the issue as the Weber County Forum Points out this morning.  Stand by for the results of the County Commission which is taking place as we speak. 

From the article, Wolf Creek's Rob Thomas said it best, "Everything we're about up here in this valley is recreation."
We respectfully disagree Mr. Thomas.  The world in Ogden Valley does not simply revolve around Wolf Creek and your exploitation of our valley.  Our valley is about local families!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Gage Froerer's H.B. 218 Passes in the House By a Stunning 63-0 Vote

This just in and we will refer you to the Weber County Forum for details along with audio from today's meeting.

Be sure to catch an update to yesterday's post regarding a "deal" in which Powder Mountain will withdraw their petition.  See below.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Early Report From Capital Hill: Powder Mountain Will Withdraw The Petition To Incorporate

UPDATE:  More sketchy details below.

The "deal" is still under wraps, but a source close to the negotiations between Powder Mountain, The Weber County Commissioners, members of the citizens group, Representative Gage Froerer and Senator Alan Christensen tell us that "they have conceptually agreed to terms that would include the withdraw of the petition to incorporate."

We will be crossing our fingers and toes in anticipation of the details being released about the "deal," but hope the commissioners did not give away the 'farm' so many have worked on for decades in the form of zoning ordinances, master plans and the general plan. 

We also hope the public will be offered an opportunity to provide input through the public process.

After all, the devil is in the details! 

UPDATE 2-12-10

Lips are still tight regarding the 'conceptual agreement' but we will offer this.  According to Gage Froerer, there is no SIGNED agreement.  Furthermore, Gage has stated that his legislation does not go away until and unless the incorporation is pulled from the table.

It has also been suggested that any "deal" will be contingent upon full citizens input and the proper public hearings.  This will take some time. 

With that in mind, we must keep our eye on the ball and be ready to pressure the Senate with mass emails and capital visits when the time is right.   

Stay tuned!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Counter Attack!

Guest Post by Cujo

Counter Attack!!  Last Saturday's paper indicated that Rep. Froerer was
approached by the powdervillahns to dissolve Powder Mountain Town in exchange
for our giving up the valley to them. Everybody should E-mail Rep. Froerer
and tell him any deal with the powdervillahns should include a plan for
revegetation of wolf creek trail and a new access road with a less than seven
degree pitch. If possible,it should require the powdervillahns to submit to the
Weber County permitting process without exception. E-mail GFROERER

Boycott!    Nobody with whom you carry on a discussion or communicate
should ever give money to patronize Powder. Tell the truth.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Powder Mountain Mass Email

Here is an email sent out Monday from Powder Mountain to season pass holders and others subscribed to their email list.  Surprisingly, the area is the identical area in which Powder Mountain illegally bulldozed a trail last fall THEN asked for permission to close off the public access, all in the name of safety (safety from losing their hiney this year after once again alienating the locals we thinks).

From the email:

Powder Mountain is now offering guided tours in the area known as DMI or Wolf Canyon. Since the resort now has several options for backcountry tours, we thought this would be a good time to remind our guests about Powder Mountain’s ski area boundary policies.

Wolf Canyon/DMI Tours

The Ultimate DMI Tour – A full day tour of Wolf Canyon for 5 - 10 guests led by 2 guides. The ultimate tour takes you to open bowls, chutes, gladed trees and all the powder you can handle. The tour includes lunch, use of avalanche beacon, and a private van shuttle to maximize your vertical for the day. $280 per person. A minimum of 5 guests are required for tour to run.

Backcountry Ski & Skin – This tour of Wolf Canyon offers the challenge of a good climb combined with long, expert powder runs. You bring backcountry skills, stamina and full backcountry gear – AT equipment or split board, skins, beacon, shovel, and probe. We provide one cat ride up Lightning Ridge and all the powder you can handle. Our experienced pros will safely guide you through expert terrain. $300 per tour for 1 to 6 guests, the price is the same. An all area lift pass is also required.

Ski Area Boundary Policy

Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in honoring and respecting the ski area boundaries and private property surrounding Powder Mountain Resort. Continuing to do so will help us maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for all of our guests. Failure to do so will result in loss of skiing/riding privileges and possible worse.

A copy of the policy can be found on Powder Mountain’s website.

Season Pass Backcountry Upgrade

A backcountry upgrade season pass of $100 provides the following privileges.

* Ski-in skin-out Wolf Canyon Access
* Limited hiking access to Powder Safari Zones. Upgraded season pass holders must check with the Mountain Adventure Center each time for prior to heading out.
* Stand-by List for Powder Safari and Wolf Canyon/DMI Tours. Guests must pre-pay for a tour to be on the stand-by list. Monies will be returned at the end of the ski season for any tours paid for, but not actually taken.

Powder Safari: $175 Regular Price $350

DMI Tour: $80 Regular Price $280

* Upgraded passes are sold at the Mountain Adventure Center

Freeride Clinic

Every Wednesday night Powder Mountain is offering a “free” two-hour freeride clinic for skiers and boarders. Coaches meet participants in the Sundown Lodge at 5:30 pm. A valid lift pass is required.

If you want to unsubscribe, please use this link
If you want to change your preferences, please use this link

Who will be the first to comment on their recent venture?  Sounds like a bargain to us, and we bet the snow is fabulous although you may want to take your rock skis just in case.  And make sure you have some extra P-Tex too!

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Will town of Powder Mtn. dissolve?


By Dan Weist (Standard-Examiner Davis Bureau)

Last Edit: Feb 5 2010 - 11:08pm

SALT LAKE CITY -- An agreement to dissolve the town of Powder Mountain is in the works between the Weber County Commission and the business development group that incorporated the land.
The potential agreement, a memorandum of understanding, could end a two-year legal dispute that has resulted in two lawsuits, both of which landed in the Utah Supreme Court.
"I've been working on this, along with the commission, since August," said Rep. Gage Froerer, R-Huntsville,
Froerer and Greg Curtis, an attorney for the managing partners of the resort development, confirmed Friday the heart of the memorandum is to disincorporate Powder Mountain, which came into existence in 2007.
"Conceptually we have reached an understanding but we are still working on some technical issues," said Curtis, a former speaker of the Utah House.
The overall dispute spawned legislation from Froerer that again is making its way through the halls of the state Capitol.
It all started with a zoning disagreement over development of the Powder Mountain resort area.
The developers then used a former state law to incorporate the land, which has about 100 residents.
But the county function of seating leadership for the town stalled between the incorporators who petitioned for representation and Weber County Commissioners.
"It's been an interesting two years," said Weber County Commissioner Craig Dearden as he started his testimony at the hearing.
Instead of waiting two years as prescribed by law, Froerer's bill would give residents the immediate right to vote on dissolving Powder Mountain.
The legislation failed to make it out of the last session, but passed out of a House committee on Friday.
Shortly after the hearing, both parties met to work on details of the proposed agreement but did not talk about a completion date.
Citizen groups have been active in this overall situation, including filing one of the two lawsuits, but none spoke at the hearing.
"I think we should be listening to their voice, their best interest," said Rep. Neil Hansen, D-Ogden, as he moved to support and then vote on the bill.
When and if it is completed, the agreement could release the Utah Supreme Court from ruling on the cases connected to this dispute, said Curtis.

UPDATE 2-6-10 @ 10:30 pm

Be sure to read today's latest at the Weber County Forum addressing today's article.

Friday, February 05, 2010

Helicopters in Ogden Valley?

The Ogden Valley Forum has received several questions from VCRD members and other Ogden Valley residents about the helicopter service operating out of Red Moose Lodge transporting individuals to Powder Mountain for back country skiing. After contacting the Weber County Planning Department about the issue their staff agreed to research this matter.

Iris Hennon, the Code Enforcement Officer for Weber County, responded and advised us that the helicopter service operating out of Red Moose Lodge is doing so without the required county permits.

Ms. Hennon talked with the manager of Red Moose Lodge this afternoon and advised that all parties CEASE the helicopter operations immediately. She referred them to the Weber County Planning Department to apply for the proper permits to operate this service if allowable under the current zoning ordinance.

Ms. Hennon asked that anyone observing a helicopter flight in Ogden Valley to or from the Red Moose Lodge area and wishing to file a complaint, should call her immediately at 801-399-8762.

In addition, Mr. Bill Hughes at the FAA should be contacted if you have any questions regarding FAA rules and the helicopter activity in Ogden Valley. Mr. Hughes can be reached at 801-257-5050.

Your VCRD Staff

HB 218 Passes Committee

HB 218 was unanimously passed by the House Government Operations Committee today.  Thanks to all who have participated by contacting the legislators and signing the petition.

One small battle has been won, but the next stop is full deliberation and debate on the house floor.

Representative Gage Froerer will need even greater support in coming days and weeks, and we need to plan trips to the Capital to stand behind and in support of Gage's bill.  A room full of supporters will speak loudly in response to the big money interests opposing the bill.

The Weber County Forum is offering most excellent play by play of the bills progress this morning, so be sure to check out:

House Bill 218: Live Audio From This Morning's Committee Session - UPDATED

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Contact The House Government Operations Standing Committee ASAP

From Rudi At The Weber County Forum

We spoke last evening with Rep. Froerer, who urged us to put up a link to contact all members of the House Government Operations Standing Committee, who will again find this matter [House Bill 218] back on their agenda on Friday. In that connection we've put together this bulk email contact link, which will allow readers who are concerned about passage of this bill to register their support in one single email:
2010 House Government Operations Standing Committee Contact Links
We've been railing about disenfranchisement of Ogden Valley citizens for several years. Let's not let this bill now fail through our complacency. C'mon, gentle readers. Let's get those emails flowing now. We'll also suggest that those who've already sent emails to Rep. Froerer should send duplicates to the full committee via our newly bulk contact link. 

We can't pull any punches now - LET 'EM HEAR FROM US!

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

HB 218 Under Intense Fire! It is time for Ogden Valley To Step It Up!

HB 218 is under fire in committee and in fact has been taken off the table as Rudi reported today on the Weber County Forum.

Show time is NOW!  The legislative session will be over before we know it and our friends at Powder Mountain will pull the rug out from under our Powderville neighbors if we don't step it up - FAST and HARD!

Residents have become complacent and the Powdervillians seem to be wearing down the rank and file of Ogden Valley.  Once upon a time,  a  petition garnered over 600 online signatures in support of similar legislation.  To date, the 2010 version of the petition only has a paltry 218 signatures.

A recent fund raiser for Powderville victims was a sellout.  Ogden Valley residents have a history of banding together when times get tough, and now is that time.

Make it happen Ogden Valley Faithful!!  Tomorrow may be too late!!