We were disappointed to read the endorsement of Commissioner Dearden in yesterday's Standard Examiner editorial. An Ogden Valley voice is noticeably lacking on the Commission and Lewis Johnson of Huntsville is our guy.
Lewis is well experienced as he has served on the Huntsville Town Council, the Huntsville Board of Adjustments and is currently President of the Huntsville water company. He holds a Master's degree and is a teacher at North Ogden Junior High. Prior to that, he taught at our own Snowcrest.
A couple of points:
- Lewis states he would have voted against the Powder Mountain Incorporation
- Lewis will request a 20% pay cut for Commissioners if elected
- “My candidacy is about representation for everyone,” Lewis so eloquently states.
Not to let our humble readers down, we will include some of the latest press regarding the Weber County Commission Campaign.
Lewis Johnson For Weber County Commission Web Site
Standard Examiner Q & A of both candidates
Letter To the Editor in Support of Lewis from Huntsville resident Douglas Wilson
Standard Article entitled "Weber County Commission Candidates Debate Issues
The Commissioners are disconnected from their Ogden Valley constituents, and it is time we let them know it is time for some Valley representation.
Join us in supporting Lewis at the polls.
Update 10/21/08 @ 11 PM In the reddest state in the land, we know there are many who simply check the GOP box. Yours truly instead votes for the person, not the party. If you are having problems voting for someone from the dark side, we have even more interesting reading that may satiate your hunger for honesty, openness and integrity in government.
First, we have heard from a VERY reliable source that the County commission challenger is in fact a registered Republican.
Secondly, we have included an enlightening pamphlet written by Steve Olsen, candidate for Utah Senate District 20 entitled Why Most Utahn's Are Democrats, But Just Don't Know It Yet.
While our Property Taxes increased between 100 and 800% Commissioner Dearden's increase was only 14%.
He paid something like $120 more in Property Taxes. He stated "Not everyone can afford to live in Ogden Valley.", showing contempt and a near total lack of understanding about who actually lives here year round.
His "let'em eat cake" attitude was all too obvious during the Snowcrest Jr. High meeting back in August of last year. He did nothing for any Ogden Valley resident whether in infrastructure improvements or property tax relief.
And the $126,000,000 budget he made and voted for included two items for Ogden Valley. A whopping $85,000. Specifically, $65,000 for road repair on the Ogden Divide road and $20,000 for "possible" curb and gutter work for Moose Hollow. THAT'S IT! Six and three quarters (.00675) of one percent of the County budget spent on 2/3's of the land mass of Weber County. Now there's some serious financial committment to our future!!! NOT!!!
Anyone who votes from Ogden Valley and votes to return Craig Dearden to his $90,000 salary is asking for more of the same abuse.
Please vote for Lewis Johnson and also Ken Alvord since Gage Froerer is a joke and represents only his own business interests.
Thank you.
I fully support the endorsement of Lewis Johnson, but want to clarify Mr. Wilson's concern in his letter to the editor about the Huntsville Town Council's fear of offending the Weber County Commissioners. At least three of the five council members have a Lewis Johnson campaign sign posted prominently in their front yards, with one of those three sharing Mr. Johnson's last name as a sibling.
Some of the commisioners are indeed out of touch with Ogden Valley and Huntsville, and we definitely need local representation.
Richard Sorensen
Huntsville Town Council
It is clear that none of the Weber County Commissioners care about Ogden Valley. It is time we elected a representative from Ogden Valley on to
the Commission. Mr. Johnson is our opportunity!
Lewis Johnson would do well to research last year's Weber County budget. And openly question the wisdom of the Commissioner's decision to spent $225,000 of the RAMP (that acronym is the Recreation, Arts, Museums and Parks) funding on a freeking intercomm system for the Washington Terrace new LIBRARY.
Folks, that is just plain misappropriation of funds. Pure and simple. Let alone all the other mis managed and ill conceived pet projects, like expanded big gas gusseling muscle police (Chrysler Magnums - oooga!)cars to the tune of $2,000,000 dollars! The list is mind boggling should anyone have or take interest in the facts.
But hey! There seems to be no one willing to stand up for anything any more. So we sheep will continue to stand in the same grass and starve due to the same stupidity and blindspots all dumb creatures suffer from.
How can Lewis Johnson run against Dearden without so much as having done any research into the man he would like to replace, his decisions and lack of good judgement. How can we vote for just another "go along to get along" slug who only wants to try something different for more public money?
Lewis, if you are listening (or reading) and if you are serious, get off your duff and stand for something. Stand up for us "we the people". We, after all, are just too weak kneed to do it for ourselves and (as always) want some one else to do it.
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